In the Middle

In the middle.

Made for a place I’ve never known. Heartsick for a home I have yet to see.

The most beautiful sights and sounds of this world are only a mere glimpse of what is to come.

My body is on Earth but I’m longing for Heaven. Longing for His glory, to be in His presence.

In the middle.

All around me is pain and suffering. Too much injustice. Evil alive and well.

Looking ahead with hope for His return. Earth and humanity restored. No more tears. Dwelling in His presence for all eternity.

In the middle.

No longer the blind sinner that I once was. A new creation. Reborn. Not yet the person I was created to be. Moving closer daily because of His grace. Sanctification, a process that takes a lifetime.

Always in the middle, but never stuck. Looking back to see how far I’ve come while looking ahead to Heaven, my true home.

Photo by kinkate from Pexels

(This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up)

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